Rain, Rain, Don’t Go Away: Fun Outdoor Activities for Kids on Rainy Days

There is no hiding that Britain tends to get a lot of rain all year round – and as we move into winter it’s only going to get wetter!

But this year, let’s embrace the return of muddy paths and large puddles. Parents may not be so keen on rain, but kids love a good splash and the occasional run in the mud.

Sure you may have to put the washing machine on later in the evening, but a boys’ waterproof jacket and girls’ flowery wellies will keep your kids safe, warm, and dry.

With this in mind, the team at Muddy Puddles have put together a list of outdoor rainy-day activities that your little ones will truly enjoy.

Look out for animals

Rain-loving animals such as worms, frogs, snails, and ducks may be out on a wander when it is drizzling. Make sure to keep an eye out for them if you and your kids are out on a walk. If you are staying indoors, however, pop quickly into the garden – you will be surprised how many fascinating insects you will be able to spot during a rainstorm!

Make your own rain gauge

This is a brilliant way to get your children talking about the weather. Measure the rain by making your own gauge from recycled materials and allow your budding explorers to inspect how much water it collects on a daily basis. They may gradually develop a natural interest for science!

Fill up bowls

This activity can get all the family involved. Search for different-sized containers and watch them fill up with rain in your backyard. Ask your children to choose their pots: which one will fill up first? Yours or theirs?

Create a masterpiece

Ever heard of Rainoir? Encourage your kids to get creative with marker pens and place their drawings outside. The rain will then transform them into artistic patterns that will leave your young painters speechless.

Try the other way round too. Leave a sheet of thick paper to soak under the rain and then get your children to sprinkle food colouring on top of it. Watch the colours swirl and turn into a polychromatic masterpiece.

Muddy paintbrushes

Another way to stimulate your kids’ artistic flair is to mud paint. Use a stick or small tree branch and dip it into the mud. Then find an extemporary canvas (i.e. stones, driveway, etc.) and get creative! Once your mud painting is completed, you can watch the rain slowly wash it away.

Bake a mud pie

Do your children ever want to help with the cooking? Rain gives them the chance to wear their chef hat and create their very own mud pie. Why not decorate their delicacy with toppings such as leaves, flowers, and grass? You may also want to consider hosting a competition to determine who has ‘baked’ the most appealing pie.

Build puddle bridges

Finally, turn your kids into wannabe architects and engineers. Ask your little ones to pick stones, rocks and bricks and build a small bridge in the middle of a puddle. Encourage them to step on them and carefully cross the water. Then why not kick and splash about in it to celebrate?

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