8 ways to take on the outdoors with your kids

When I think about the good old days of my childhood, images of playing outside for hours on end and begging my parents to stay outside for an extra half hour, come to mind. Nowadays, technology does play more of a significant role in our children’s everyday lives, making their experiences different to ours. But…

Parental burnout; Six ways to talk your way to a happier you in lockdown no.3

Many parents are undoubtedly feeling increased stress and exhaustion due to the intense pressure of trying to home-school and take care of their children, whilst maintaining a full-time job, keeping their relationships intact and their home in a modest state. Psychologists have likened the impact on parents to a state of burnout with commonly reported…

Me time; which activities keep kids distracted the longest?

Anyone else struggling to get their kids to do something for longer than five minutes right now? If you’re doing the juggle or indeed just need 10 minutes of ‘me time’ take a look at this post about what’s keeping our kids distracted the longest! Experts at DIYS.com were intrigued to find out which crafts will keep…

Optimizing, not overhauling nutrition: a guest post

Super-Nutritionist Amanda Hamilton outlines how we can make the most of superfoods to support our body’s immune system… As we enter 2021, more than ever many of us are looking to make healthy changes to our routines that support our bodies, boost our immunity and grant better all-over wellness. As the UK faces a prolonged…

New Year, New home in five easy steps

As we look set to continue our new norm of working from home (and spending every minute of the day at home) the increased time spent there can often lead to ‘aesthetic fatigue’. I know I have personally arranged, and rearranged, and arranged again, my downstairs about four times since the first lockdown. Not to…

Quashing Your Bad Quarantine Habits for 2021

Coffee breaks on our lonesome, playlists decided by our own listening habits and daily commutes consisting of little more than rolling out of bed, donning a dressing gown, and turning on a monitor.  The life we became accustomed to last year was certainly very different. Some of us have adjusted to the change in routines easily,…

The PitterPatterPither Christmas Gift guide for Dads

The girls and kiddies can’t have all the fun… Without further ado, here is the dad’s Christmas gift guide. If you have a hubby or partner who is near impossible to buy for, you might find some inspiration in the below. Full disclosure as always; all these gadgets and gizmos were #gifted to us to…

An advent calendar with a difference

Whilst I do love a good old choccy advent calendar, I often find that I don’t really fancy chocolate early in the morning. So, this year I wanted to try something a little different. And what is the one thing I want every morning no matter how early I wake up? COFFEE! I got to…

The six books you must read this festive season

It’s that time of year again. Time to cosy up with a good book; time to kick back and relax on the sofa; time to take your mind to another place and step into a different world. Here are my top six books to read this holiday season: Blow your mind: Call me Joe This…